Man Charged with Voter Fraud

Wisconsin Man Charged With Absentee Voter Fraud After Voting Twice in 2020

A Wisconsin man has been charged with four felonies after casting two absentee ballots in the 2020 Presidential Election. This is the second person in the state to be charged with voter fraud.

The mainstream media has falsely accused the GOP and Republicans of lying about voter fraud and election irregularities in the state. The election result in the state was certified for the candidacy of Joe Biden by just under 21,000 votes.

The AP reported that Wisconsin election officials referred 27 cases to prosecutors for voter fraud. Local DA offices asserted that they would not bring charges in 18 of the referred cases.

Ignoring the widespread evidence of election irregularities, the AP claims that there was no voter fraud in Wisconsin, despite ongoing investigations.

The alleged perpetrator accused of voting twice said that this was done unintentionally. The man, according to the complaint, requested an absentee ballot from Wisconsin’s St. Croix County on October 5, 2020. Weeks later the man registered to vote in person. Election officials allegedly told the man that his absentee ballot would be canceled if he voted in person.